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     When evaluating myself during the analysis of my Informal Writing 9 in comparison to my keepsake journal, I was able to see the difference of my processes clearly in front of me. I did not think that I organized as much as I did with formal writings, but I do and I am proud of it. I feel as if I was taught to work according to an outline my whole life, but I have trouble staying on topic in my head. After my evaluation, I feel more confident in myself that I am staying focused on my formal writings. In contrast, I do not believe I learned any key factors when it comes to my informal writing considering I just write completely freehand. When I am writing an essay, it is easy for me to establish what my writer identity will be based on assessing the audience. I will decide what mood, tone and voice I will set and what identity I will give myself once I know whom I am writing for and what I am writing about. During my writing career, I have had one main thing that has influenced who I am and how I write and that was being in the Florida public school system during my elementary years. This helped me be at the top of my class because of all the time we spent writing. Once I left the public school system, it was soon made clear that I was at a disadvantage with mathematics and reading comprehension but exceptionally above average in writing. Therefore, this is important to me now, because it allows me to be able to easily write by articulating and creating ideas. I believe I write in most genre types in all different approaches for many different types of audiences. This well-rounded writing ability has given me the opportunity to easily assess my audience which allows me to write so that my audience not only understands but stays fully engaged. The types of texts I write most often are formal writings considering I do not have much spare time to informally write my feelings or opinions. When I am writing, I will usually use my laptop, but when starting my writing process I always begin with a piece of paper. Personally, I enjoy writing on paper more because it is more emotional and I have to take a bit more time to think. I can type swiftly and that leads me to somewhat getting lost in my thoughts. As a whole, I was able to achieve a better understanding of who I am as a writer, yet I did not come to a revelation of my process. I am becoming more confident of myself as a writer and was able to see this through my analysis.

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