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"I came across the option of making a website, therefore I decided to change things up a little and venture out."
     When I began to record my writing process, I knew in the back of my head that I was not going to have a full schedule with times and dates written down that consisted of similar times. I knew my writing style and that is procrastination and writing in large sittings. I began this process at a Starbucks the week after it was assigned. I got a good understanding of what I am going to write about and formulated some ideas. I didn't really get deep into the writing, only achieving about a paragraph of the introduction.
     I then went back to my writing about four days later. I tried to think about how to start the second paragraph by reading the instructions. I came across the option of making a website, therefore I decided to change things up a little and venture out. My boyfriend is a computer engineer major and makes websites for fun in his spare time, so what better than to surprise him by asking for some technical website structure help!
     I then decided to go back while I had some spare time a few days later and begin the structure of my website by doing an “outline” as if it were a paper. Instead of writing on a looseleaf piece of paper like I normally would with an essay like this to begin the body, I simply outlined the websites template with the points I am planning to get across.
     Finally, once I outlined the website I took a break for a day and came back to what was a perfect outline in front of me. I then began to just free write how I would with an informal writing. Although this is not necessarily a formal writing because of the template I am using, it is still more formal than a free write, therefore as I was being creative and free, I worked my best to stay on topic and discuss what best fits me as a writer in accordance to my process.
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